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Authorizations & Accreditations

Cisco Learning Partner

Lumious is proud to be a trusted Authorized Cisco Learning Partner. Our instructors have real-world networking experience in the industry, with a 4.8 rating out of 5. Our SMEs add custom, hands-on exercises and labs to enhance Authorized Cisco curriculum and dramatically improve the learning experience for all students as they strive for certification.

As a Cisco Learning Partner, we are proud to be in the company of a select group of providers authorized by Cisco to offer official product and solutions training. We’re closely aligned with Cisco product teams and business units, have access to Cisco intellectual property, and we’re uniquely qualified to create, customize, and offer market-leading IPC, security, routing and switching, networking, and wireless training. Our courses include hands-on and virtual practice labs featuring the latest Cisco equipment and real-world simulations to help students prepare for real-world networking environments and Cisco Career Certification exams.

Cisco High Touch Delivery (HTD)

Cisco High Touch Delivery training courses focus on the deployment and integration of Cisco advanced technologies. Classroom sessions, led by Cisco HTD team members, include intensive, hands-on lab work on network connectivity, device configuration, and troubleshooting.


MEF Premier Accredited Training Provider (MEF-PATP)

MEF has accredited three training providers as MEF Premier Accredited Training Providers (MEF-PATPs). As one of these providers, Lumious has been audited by MEF to ensure that the coverage provided by its courseware and instructors is sufficient in order for students to achieve MEF certification. Lumious provides a variety of valuable services for individuals and groups preparing for MEF certification in almost any location in the world. Combining practical application of the MEF concepts with in-depth coverage of the technical specifications, Lumious not only prepares students to pass the exam, but also provides them with valuable real-world knowledge that they can use immediately after the course.

2012 Winner of the Outstanding Contributors Award: Initiation of MEF Mobile Online Presence – MEF On-The-Go Mobile Application.